Expert Heating System Consulting
Having obtained his Master Plumber’s license at a young age, John Cataneo began to develop his skills as a specialist in the area of boilers and heating and attending classes given by the (then) Institute of Boilers and Radiation, or I=B=R, when he quickly became a protégé of industry writer Dan Holohan. Now, after many years of field installations, a great deal of troubleshooting, and operating a service and repair business in and around New York City for over 20 years, John and his professional peers are now consulting on many types of mechanical systems.
Meet John
John Cataneo, Owner, Master Plumber (lic #1784)
John Cataneo started out working on water-based heating systems when he was just 13 years old, at his family’s local business. He received his professional training from the Institute of Boilers and Radiation and honed his technical skills in the field, working toward his NYC Master Plumber’s License which he received in 1998. Today he has over 30 years of experience in water-driven and steam heating systems, and runs the family business, which now serves New York and New Jersey.
John is an expert in water-based heating and all of the systems, equipment, and suppliers involved. He brings his skills and expertise to small home owners and large-scale property management companies alike, taking as much pride in keeping single-family houses cosy as he does planning and optimizing efficient heating systems for commercial real estate properties.
At 72F, we believe in transparent, competitive pricing.
Our pricing takes into account the time spent on site and then the considerable time spent behind the scenes researching your products, calculating our measurements, and creating a clear and understandable document that doesn’t take an expert to decipher. We want you to make good decisions going forward. We want to leave you with the right information to get there. We want our work to work for you, and for years to come.
A system that uses water as a medium to heat a given space is a hydronic system. That could be a circulating hot water, steam, or gravity-flow system. Simply put, if you’ve got radiators or baseboard heaters that aren’t powered by electricity, you’re heating with hydronics. Over 85% of the United States heats their homes with forced hot air. Hydronics is widely considered a far superior system for a variety of reasons, but with one big drawback: it’s far more costly to install. These systems provide far more comfort, flexibility and efficiency than warm air but because of its relative scarcity, providing intelligent solutions for maintaining and servicing them has become a dying art. HVAC companies possess little talent, if any, to keep steam and hot water systems working at their peak and few plumbers take the time to engage in the proper training to keep up with modern safety and efficiency standards. The fact is, both “heating and air conditioning” companies and “plumbing and heating” companies are seldom properly equipped to handle things like replacement boiler sizing and troubleshooting so there is a long-standing and ever-increasing market for experts in this field in which fewer young technicians exist.